
Benington School is committed to the safeguarding of the children, young people, their families and staff.  We have an effective culture of Safeguarding embedded through everything we do.  Our main priority is that all of the children in our care feel safe, secure and happy.  All staff, governors, volunteers and visitors who come into regular contact with the children have all the relevant Safeguarding checks.

Operation Encompass

We have a link with ‘Operation Encompass’.  This is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse. Please follow this link to find out more. 

Keeping children safe in Education Part 3 - Safeguarding practice audit_docx.pdf

Safeguarding staff in school

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Designated Safeguarding Person

Our Safeguarding Link Governor and Governor for Child Protection

Anja Tyler - Headteacher

Julia Beaven - Deputy Head

Louise Harrop


Safeguarding Audit - Annex C 

Safeguarding practice audit - Part 1

Safeguarding Audit Part 2