
Curriculum Rationale

Science is a body of knowledge and skills built up through experimental testing of ideas. Science is also a practical way of making predictions and find reliable and reasoned answers to questions we may ask about the world around us. Working scientifically in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills. We use the Cornerstones curriculum to ensure coverage and progression.

“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” Einstein.


It is our intent at Benington that children will develop a lifelong love of science. They will become curious and questioning about the world around them and will want to explore and test things out for themselves asking “Why? How? Where?”. They will learn specific skills, vocabulary and knowledge to help them to think scientifically and to understand scientific processes. They will see the practical uses of science both for today and the future and leave us in year 6 equipped to continue their scientific development in secondary school.


Science is taught weekly as a discrete subject from year 1 and as part of topic work in the early years. Or curriculum map ensures that children systematically develop not only their scientific knowledge but their skills and their ability to think scientifically. There are opportunities in every science unit for children to be involved in practical experiments and investigations and we make full use of the school grounds to bring science alive for them.


Children will build on their prior knowledge, developing scientific vocabulary and skills that will enable them to follow lines of individual enquiry and to dig deeper into a subject.. They will acquire a love of science and have high aspirations for what they are able to achieve, leading to further study, academic success and a knowledge of science that will equip them for adult life.

Department of Education’s Statutory Guidance on the Science Curriculum

Science whole school progression - habitats


Science whole school progression - gather & record data 


Barriers to and solutions for Engagement, Progress and Achievement in Science


Science progression example