Parents’ information
Social Impact Schools Awards
I am delighted to let you know that Benington Primary is taking part in the Social Impact Schools Award to formally recognise and celebrate the amazing social actions that our school and your children take over the school year. As you know, social action is a key part of school life at Benington – we know that by getting involved in things volunteering, campaigning and fundraising children are growing themselves while also benefiting the world around them.
In order to achieve the award we will need to log at least one social action per student over the school year (though we are striving to do far more!).
As a school we will be organising a series of different activities (such as our Harvest Assembly) but please do also encourage your children to think of ways that they can take social action when they are at home – this can be anything at all from helping pick up litter on the streets outside your house, to pledging to walk/public transport to school instead of driving, etc. And of course, if your children do take social action while at home, encourage them to let us know so that we can make a note of it (& celebrate their achievement!).
The award is run by a non-profit social action platform, SuperKind.Org who provide tonnes of resources to help inspire children to take social action so please do feel free to check it out with your children.
Families First
Families First is the term used in Hertfordshire for services that work together to support families who need extra help. These are also known as early help services. We all experience difficulties at some point. Families First can help you find early help and information to prevent issues from getting worse.
They have a website where you can find out more about their services
Useful Online Learning Links
Reading Resources
Sooper Books is a fantastic resource to get your children reading every day. It has an excellent range of award-winning quality free stories and audiobooks. Or get unlimited access to everything from just £2/month.’
We ask Parents/Carers to kindly notify the school by email or your Arbor app. This should happen by 9am on the first day of absence, and we ask that you keep the school informed during any prolonged absence. Parents/Carers are asked to ensure that their children arrive at school promptly each day. Late arrivals must be signed in at the School Office.
Parents must email the office about any appointments in school time. These will usually be authorised if they are sent alongside evidence. Parents are asked to email admin about any holidays in term time. These will not be authorised. Please see our Attendance Policy for more information.
What to Bring
Children should bring the following items, clearly named to school:
- Book bag with reading book and reading record book
- Water bottle
Home School Agreement
The staff and governing body at Benington encourage children to make the most of their time at school and ask for their co-operation. The Home School Agreement document is part of the New Pupil Information Pack you were sent and we ask parents/carers to read this with their child and return a signed copy.
Dietary Requirements/ Allergies
It is vital that the school is made aware of any dietary needs that your child may have, particularly if it is a food that the child is allergic to or must not eat for religious reasons. You have been asked this information as part of the New Pupil Information Pack, but it is important to keep the school office informed of any changes.
If your child has a school meal, Hertfordshire Catering will require evidence from a medical professional so they can produce an allergy specific menu for your child. Please visit their website and complete the online application. If you have any questions please call HCL on 01707 292500.
Should your child require medication during the school day, please bring it to the School Office. Parents/Carers must also complete a permission form to allow office staff to administer medicines in school. Forms are available from the School Office or by using the link below.
Homework is set to support the children’s learning at Benington. For younger children, this is generally phonics and reading based tasks. As children progress through the school, the tasks support other areas of the curriculum and are designed to encourage good study skills, with emphasis on reading, spellings, multiplication tables and number facts.
Benington Bees
Each week children from Reception to Year 6 are chosen by their teacher to be a Bee. This links to our whole school values: care, trust and respect. Whatever the reason, the children are always very proud to receive their sticker during Friday’s celebration assembly. The ‘bees’ will also be listed in the school hall.
Meeting with Teachers
The school has an ‘open door’ policy and the Head and class teachers are very approachable. Class teachers are able to meet with parents by appointment. Likewise, the Head Teacher is always willing to meet with parents to discuss any concerns either before or after school by appointment.
Hot Weather
In the hotter weather it is important that all children bring in sunhats and water bottles every day. Sunscreen is to be applied before the start of school. (There are a variety of lotions available which are designed to last all day from one application.) In exceptional circumstances, if you require your child to reapply lotion during school hours, please send it into school in their bags (named) so that they can reapply it as necessary.
Lost Property
Lost property is located in the disabled toilet near to the school office. All lost property found in school will be put here. Parents/carers are welcome to come and look at the end of the day if they wish to.
Please park sensibly and with consideration to our neighbours and other pedestrians at both drop off and pick up times. If you do need to drive please consider arriving a few minutes earlier and parking in the carpark next to the parish hall, just a short walk from school. Our pupils’ safety is our key priority; therefore, we would appreciate your co-operation in parking safely and sensibly.
We would like to draw your attention to the Highway Code and the rules we should all be following:
- Rule 191 – You MUST NOT park on a crossing or in the area covered by the zig-zag lines.
- Rule 243 – DO NOT stop or park:
– near a school entrance
– anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
– opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction
– in front of an entrance to a property
– on a bend
Local Learning Area for Benington Primary School
Visits/activities within the ‘Local Learning Area’ that are part of the normal curriculum and take place during normal school hours follow the Operating Procedure outlined below.
These visits/activities:
- do not require parental consent for each visit. Blanket consent is given when a pupil enrols at Benington School.
- do not normally need additional risk assessments / notes (other than following the Operating Procedure below).
The boundaries of the Local Learning Area area includes, but is not limited to, the following frequently used venues: e.g.
- Benington Lordship
- St Peter’s Church
- Preslands Farm
- The Recreation Ground
- Methodist Church
- Witness Wood
- Coombs Wood
- Harry’s Wood
- Other woods within walking distance
- Local schools (for the purposes of sports fixtures, competitions etc)
- Stevenage Pool (See also
Operating Procedure for Local Learning Area
The following are potentially significant issues/hazards within our Local Learning Area:
- Road traffic
- Other people / members of the public / animals
- Losing a pupil
- Uneven surfaces (→ slips, trips and falls)
- Weather conditions
- Activity-specific issues when doing fieldwork (nettles, brambles, rubbish, etc.)
These are managed by a combination of the following:
- The Head or deputy must give verbal approval before a group leaves.
- The concept and Operating Procedure of the ‘Local Learning Area’ is explained to all new parents when their child joins the school,
- There will always be a minimum of two adults.
- Staff are familiar with the area, including any “no go” areas, and have practised appropriate group management techniques.
- Pupils have been trained and have practised standard techniques for road crossings in a group.
- Where appropriate, pupils are fully briefed on what to do if they become separated from the group.
- All remotely supervised work in the Local Learning Area is done in ‘buddy’ pairs as a minimum
- Pupils’ clothing and footwear is checked for appropriateness prior to leaving school.
- Staff are aware of any relevant medical information and ensure that any required medication is available.
- Staff will deposit in the office a list of all pupils and staff/adults, a proposed route, and an estimated time of return.
- A designated Emergency Contact ‘back at base’, who is aware of the proposed visit/activities, will have been identified beforehand and ensure that s/he remains contactable until notified of the group’s safe return.
- A mobile is taken and the office will have a note of the number(s)
- Appropriate personal protective equipment is taken when needed (e.g. gloves)
Walk to School
We encourage you to walk to school if at all possible, but if not, to park responsibly and not to block residents’ driveways.
Photography / Videoing
Please only Photograph or video your own children at sports events and performances. These photos or videos should be for personal use only.
School Closure
If the school has to close due to severe weather conditions, we will notify parents and carers via:
- An Arbor email or text (ensure we have your up to date details)
- Our school website
- Our closed school Facebook page
If you do not receive notice from us, you should always assume that the school will be open as normal for all pupils.