Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at Benington is Mrs Tyler the head teacher.

She can be contacted through the school office on 01438 869254 or emailed: head@benington.herts.sch.uk

Our SEN governor is Matt Clarke and he can be contacted at matt.clarke@benington.herts.sch.uk

We aim for all children to access the entire curriculum. We worked together to create barriers to learning documents to ensure that every child can achieve their best. 

In line with the SEN Code of Conduct, please take a look at these guidelines and policies to see what the school will offer you and your child and how you can support your child by following these links. 

Accessibility plan  

Barriers to learning  

Equal opportunities policy 

SEND code of practice

SEND information reportSEND local offer

SEND policy

SEND quality strategy document from HCC

Delivering special provision locally (DSPL)

Please visit the Stevenage DSPL Website to find out more about the work they do and view all of their parent/carer newsletters.

Stevenage DSPL Website

Here are some links you may find useful