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School Calendar

Further details about events will be sent out near the time if necessary.

Summer Term 2024

Mon 27th May 2024 - Fri 31st May 2024, 12:00am Half term
Fri 14th June 2024 Inset day – school closed
Tue 2nd July 2024, 1:00pm Intervillage Sports Day -We are hosting this event, with local village schools competing
Wed 3rd July 2024 Jewish Workshops – an opportunity for our children to learn about Judaism
Wed 3rd July 2024, 1:30pm - 3:00pm Seedlings reception children are invited to meet their class and teacher
Fri 5th July 2024, 9:30am - 10:00am rocksteady Concert – parents are invited in to share their child’s learning in their band
Wed 10th July 2024, 1:30pm - 3:00pm Seedlings reception children are invited to meet their class and teacher for their last session
Wed 10th July 2024, 3:15pm Annual reports go home
Thu 11th July 2024 Secondary Transition Day – Y6 visit their new schools. Other years spend an hour in their new class.
Thu 11th July 2024, 1:00pm - 3:15pm Last swimming session for Beech Class
Fri 12th July 2024 Whole school visit to Hertfordshire Zoo – paid for by FOBS
Wed 17th July 2024, 2:45pm Circus skills workshop – parents are invited in to watch the circus skills learnt by their children (paid for by sports funding)
Wed 17th July 2024, 6:00pm Oak class end of year performance – y5 & y6 parents are invited in to watch
Thu 18th July 2024, 2:00pm Year 6 leavers service in St Peter’s Church – Y5 & Y6 parents are invited along for a special assembly
Thu 18th July 2024, 3:15pm Year 6 bowling trip (paid for by FOBS)
Fri 19th July 2024 NON-UNIFORM DAY
Fri 19th July 2024, 9:00am Final assembly of the summer term
Fri 19th July 2024, 1:05pm End of Summer term
Fri 19th July 2024, 1:05pm Fun on the field – come and celebrate the end of year together
Mon 22nd July 2024 - Tue 23rd July 2024 Inset days – school closed
Mon 19th August 2024 - Fri 23rd August 2024 Summer School – sign up on Arbor for some special activities

Autumn Term 2024

Wed 4th September 2024 1st day of term
Mon 28th October 2024 - Fri 1st November 2024 Half term
Mon 18th November 2024 Occasional day – school closed
Fri 20th December 2024 Last day of term

Spring Term 2025

Tue 7th January 2025 1st day of term
Mon 17th February 2025 - Fri 21st February 2025 Half term
Mon 24th February 2025 Inset day – school closed
Fri 4th April 2025 Last day of term

Summer Term 2025

Tue 22nd April 2025 1st day of term
Mon 5th May 2025 Bank holiday – school closed
Mon 26th May 2025 - Fri 30th May 2025 Half term
Mon 16th June 2025 Inset day – school closed
Wed 23rd July 2025 Last day of term