Our School
Dear Visitors, I am very proud of our small, caring school where all pupils are valued, nurtured and encouraged to achieve their full potential. We are a church school, but welcome children of all faiths and backgrounds. I am Jewish and we have children on role who do not subscribe to any religion and those …
School Facilities
The school has five classrooms, four within the main school building and a modular classroom in the grounds. There is also a modular classroom which is home to an outstanding nursery. We have a large multi-purpose hall which is used for assemblies, music, PE and also as a dining hall. The main building houses the …
Wrap Around Care & Clubs
Breakfast Club This club is run by Benington School from 7.15am to 8.45am on Monday through to Friday for Benington school pupils only. Please book via Arbor Please note, no one will be allowed into school before 7:15 Fees The cost for anyone arriving between 7.15 and 7.45am is £8 per day. The cost for …
Online Prospectus
Dear Visitors, We understand that choosing the right school for your child is an important decision We firmly believe that Benington can offer your child an outstanding education, where everyone is nurtured, supported and challenged. Our core values; care, respect and trust run through all that we do, enabling us to support the development of …
The majority of children attending Benington School live in the village, but our register also includes some from other villages in the area and some from Stevenage. We are pleased to hear from parents who may consider placing their children in our school and will be happy to show them around. Children may start school …
Our values
Inspiring care, respect and trust for all, in our Christian community Our mission statement and core values underpin everything we do. We celebrate children and adults who encapsulate them through awarding hexagons. In our newsletter we quote examples where our children have exemplified our core values. Care Peter 5:7: “Cast all your anxiety on …
The Church of England
Ethos and Values We are a small, caring church of England school where all pupils are valued, nurtured and encouraged to achieve their full potential. Children are given the opportunity to develop their skills and talents through our exciting and creative curriculum. All pupils are supported through our programme of nurture and counselling. Effort in …
Ofsted & SIAMS inspections
Ofsted Our school was last inspected ion 11th June 2024 Please see the result of this Inspection report on the Ofsted website Key Documents Parentview Parent View gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about their child’s school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Please follow …
Benington School is committed to the safeguarding of the children, young people, their families and staff. We have an effective culture of Safeguarding embedded through everything we do. Our main priority is that all of the children in our care feel safe, secure and happy. All staff, governors, volunteers and visitors who come into regular …
Teaching Staff Anja Tyler (Headteacher & SENCO) head@benington.herts.sch.uk Julia Beaven (Deputy Head) Julia.Beaven@benington.herts.sch.uk Jen Dean Jen.Dean@benington.herts.sch.uk Portia Whiskin Portia.Whiskin@benington.herts.sch.uk Annie Garlick Annie.Garlick@benington.herts.sch.uk Vanessa Welch vanessa.welch@benington.herts.sch.uk
School Governors are essential for the effective management and development of our school. They work within the framework set by both national legislation and the policies of the local education authority. Governors have a range of statutory responsibilities including: Helping to establish the school’s strategy, appointing the head teacher, overseeing the financial performance and supporting …